Thursday, August 13, 2020

Moldova, Bucovina and Banat - after a little learning session for yourself

As announced yesterday, today, before we go on a regional exploration, we shall start with a learning activity. So do get your instruments out, and here we go. This is a tutorial to Hora Nunzi, a wedding dance from Central Romania, one I learned from Taraf De Haidouks fiddle player Caliu: 

Time to take off on our regional trip Moldova, North-East Romania. Their traditional music fascinated me from the moment I heard it, it has the right mixture of heart-warming, quirky, intricate and driving, I love it..

It's in old music, where we find the least Western European touches, however, this following piece also hasn't too many Ottoman touches, mostly probably on the tonality, which very much includes micro tones:

We can’t actually leave Moldova, before visiting the Fanfare Ciacorlia. Before becoming world-famous, they started of in the small Romanian village Zece Prăjini. Here from one of their first publications:

We still have some more travelling in today, so lets stay North, and just move a tiny bit the the west, and we arrive in Bucovina. And if you were not aware of it yet, then it is now Monday, wherever and whenever you are, and you are about to go to the Market, as the following piece ‘I’d go on Monday to the Market’ implies:

For the last piece today we hop over Transylvania, to reach another 'B', from Bucovina to Banat. In this traditional dance you really can hear the vicinity to Transylvania:

To conclude the day, and to resolve some dizziness you may have from all the cyber-hopping, here a little map for your orientation:

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